Burlington Friends Meeting has no paid staff. The work of the Meeting is shared by members and clerks of the Meeting’s committees, who are appointed by the Meeting as a whole. Here are descriptions of the committees with contact information for the committee clerks. For a more detailed description of the responsibilities of each committee and officer, see the Job Descriptions page.
- Presiding Co-Clerks
- Attend to the overall life of the Meeting. They arrange the agenda for and preside at the Business Meeting. The Presiding Clerks shepherd the schedule of tasks for the Business Meeting throughout the year. They also sign official Meeting documents, consult with clerks of Meeting committees, and maintain links among our Monthly Meeting, New England Yearly Meeting (NEYM), and other Quaker and community groups.
Helen Head and Susan Wilson, presiding_clerk@burlingtonquakers.org
- Attend to the overall life of the Meeting. They arrange the agenda for and preside at the Business Meeting. The Presiding Clerks shepherd the schedule of tasks for the Business Meeting throughout the year. They also sign official Meeting documents, consult with clerks of Meeting committees, and maintain links among our Monthly Meeting, New England Yearly Meeting (NEYM), and other Quaker and community groups.
- Recording Clerk
- Writes and keeps minutes. The Recording Clerk works closely with the Presiding Clerk to structure Monthly Meeting for Business.
Currently, the Recording Clerk’s responsibilities are shared by the presiding co-clerks.
- Writes and keeps minutes. The Recording Clerk works closely with the Presiding Clerk to structure Monthly Meeting for Business.
- Recorder
- Keeps permanent records of changes in the status of members, such as births, death, marriages, membership applications, transfers, and withdrawals. Peggy Powell
- Treasurer
- Manages Meeting financial accounts, receives and disburses funds, and makes financial reports to the Meeting.
Linda McKenna: (802) 598-2859, treasurer@burlingtonquakers.org
- Manages Meeting financial accounts, receives and disburses funds, and makes financial reports to the Meeting.
- Ministry and Counsel Committee
- Oversees the worship and spiritual life of the Meeting, seeking to support and nurture God’s will in our lives. This committee has oversight of Meetings for Worship on Sunday mornings and Wednesday at noon. Other responsibilities include planning for religious education of adults, preparation of the annual State of Society Report, and appointment of clearness and oversight committees for marriage, membership, and other matters requiring Friends to reach clearness for themselves and the community.
- Ministry and Counsel also provides for supportive care of all members and attenders. This care may include transportation, meals, and visits to the sick and hospitalized. Standing support committees provide a sounding board and ongoing encouragement for individuals who are in challenging situations. Temporary support committees are convened for a shorter time to help a person who faces a particularly difficult life situation.
- Clerk: Elisabeth Lehr ministry_counsel@burlingtonquakers.org.
- Children’s Religious Education Committee
- Plans and implements First Day School, an educational program for the Meeting’s children and youth. This committee plans the curriculum and invites and oversees Friends work with the First Day School. Clerk Deb Pullin, first_day_school@burlingtonquakers.org
- Communications and Tech Care Committee
- Coordinates communication among Friends within the Meeting. This committee manages the Meeting database, web site, and email list serve and has general oversight of Meeting technology.
- Items for the mailing list or website should be sent to Bill Williams, communications@burlingtonquakers.org.
- Articles for the newsletter or inquiries about it should be sent to Ron Miller, newsletter@burlingtonquakers.org
- Hospitality
- Coordinates the refreshments and cleanup for Sunday Meeting for Worship. The committee has no clerk at this time.
- Library Committee
- Develops and maintains the Meeting’s collection of books and other media. This committee is not active at the moment.
- Peace, Justice & Earthcare Committee
- Provides an interface between Meeting members and the larger community on issues of peace, nonviolence, equality and right living. This committee strives to cultivate a deeper awareness of our connections with all of creation. Currently without a clerk.
- Small Potatoes
- Small Potatoes is a 35-year-old interfaith hunger relief ministry based at Burlington Friends Meeting (BFM). Teams of volunteers from churches, Ohavi Zedek Synagogue, and other community organizations prepare sandwiches on Fridays in BFM’s kitchen and serve them, along with other food, at the First Congregational Church in Burlington on Saturday mornings when larger food relief organizations are closed.
Our Small Potatoes Committee oversees week-to-week operations and coordinates finances with the BFM Treasurer.
- Small Potatoes is a 35-year-old interfaith hunger relief ministry based at Burlington Friends Meeting (BFM). Teams of volunteers from churches, Ohavi Zedek Synagogue, and other community organizations prepare sandwiches on Fridays in BFM’s kitchen and serve them, along with other food, at the First Congregational Church in Burlington on Saturday mornings when larger food relief organizations are closed.
- Property Committee
- Oversees the use and maintenance of space in the Meeting House and Bassett House, as well as the grounds. The Property Committee also manages the four apartments on the property. Coclerks – Susan Larkin 802-928-3081 and Kim Ravdin 802-598-1631, property@burlingtonquakers.org.
- Finance Committee
- Works to ensure the fiscal soundness of the Meeting through development of the annual budget, appeals for donations, and disbursement of grants and loans. Clerk Lynne Silva, finance@burlingtonquakers.org
- Young Adult Friends
- A group between 18 and 35 years old (give or take a few years) who gather to enjoy each other and offer service together. The committee is currently without a clerk.
- Gifts and Service Committee
- Nominates members and attenders to serve as the Meeting’s clerks and committee members. Currently this function is served by all the committee clerks working together.
- Web Manager
- Manages changes to the web site. Bill Williams 802-899-2891, webmanager@burlingtonquakers.org
- Archivist
- Works to preserve records in coordination with New England Yearly Meeting. Holly Gorton, archivist@burlingtonquakers.org