The Burlington Friends Meeting community consists of all members and attenders, wherever they might be now. This page contains links to information primarily of interest to currently active members of this community.
Since we have no paid staff, the work of the meeting is done by its members, formed into committees according to task. A list of the committees is here, and to see their tasks, visit job descriptions for officers and committees.
Although each meeting works as an independent unit, meetings in a particular area group together in groups that cover larger and larger geographical regions.
In addition to the geographical organizations, Quaker organizations of many sizes and shapes help do the work of friends.
We maintain a Google Calendar that shows a quick view of all events associated with the meeting.
Burlington Friends keep in touch with each other using several forms of electronic communications. Our list serve, for announcements about BFM activities and concerns, is maintained by the Communications Committee. Materials for the list serve come from our various clerks. To subscribe to the list serve, e-mail your request to We also have a more informal Google Group where any group member can post. Posts do not have to be specifically related to BFM, for example people might post about produce to exchange or to announce community events not necessarily connected with Quakers. To join the Google Group, send a blank e-mail to
Minutes, directory, newsletters, etc.
If you need to access the directory of members and attenders, lists of committee members, or minutes of the business meetings or committees, click here (password required).