Burlington Friends Meeting has no paid clergy or staff, so the bulk of our work is shared by our members and attenders. Friends are nominated to serve as committee members or as officers of the meeting by the Gifts and Service Committee and appointed by the Meeting as a whole.
The term of service for all offices and committees is three years unless otherwise indicated. An individual’s term may be extended based on the Meeting’s needs, recommendation by the Gifts and Service Committee and approval by the Meeting. However, we encourage Friends to try different ways to serve; turnover in committee membership and the new ideas that come with that turnover are helpful to our work. While some positions, such as Presiding Clerk or membership on Ministry and Counsel, may benefit from experienced Friends, membership in Burlington Friends Meeting is not required for any service to Burlington Friends.
Meeting Committees
- Children’s Religious Education (CRE) (PDF)
- Communications (PDF)
- Finance (PDF)
- Gifts and Service (PDF)
- Hospitality (PDF)
- Library (PDF)
- Ministry and Counsel (PDF)
- Naming (PDF)
- Peace, Justice, and Earthcare (PDF)
- Property (PDF)
- Young Adult Friends (PDF)
Officers of the Meeting
- Presiding Co-Clerks (PDF)
- Recording Clerk (PDF)
- Recorder (PDF)
- Treasurer (PDF), Assistant Treasurer (PDF)
Common Service to Meeting
- Care of Meeting (PDF)
- Greeter (PDF)